Wetherby Greengrocers join the fight against single use plastics

A Greengrocers in Wetherby has made the switch from single use plastic products to eco-friendly alternatives.

Michael Johnson from C A Johnson & Sons Greengrocers in Wetherby have taken note of the important environmental concerns facing the nation, and have made the switch from single use plastic products to eco-friendly alternatives. Their decision comes on the back of major publicity concerning plastic waste in the environment, combined with increased concern from their customers on the issue of plastic packaging.

Michael Johnson, owner of the Greengrocers based on Market Place, Wetherby, explained: “We’ve all seen images of mountains of plastic waste and how damaging it is to wildlife and oceans. It’s also something which our customers have been raising with us and there’s definitely been an increase in awareness and public demand. We’ve been wanting to find alternatives to plastic packaging for some time but the cost has always been prohibitive. However, a Yorkshire company, Single Use Alternatives approached us and because their products cost the same as plastic ones do, we decided it was time to make the switch.”

Thanks to programmes such as the BBC’s Blue Planet, the problem of single use plastics has become a concern for many people. Plastic can take up to 1000 years to fully degrade and because the majority ends up in landfill or as pollution in the environment, increasing numbers of people are looking for sustainable alternatives, including the team at C A Johnson & Sons Greengrocers. “When we looked into it we were surprised how much plastic waste a business can generate; from food bags and disposable coffee cups, through to wrap and packaging. Also, our customers have started to ask us if our packaging was recyclable so we knew we had to do something. After all, if the eco-friendly products we’re using the now cost the same as plastic, why wouldn’t we make the switch?” added Michael.

Michael was approached by Single Use Alternatives, a Yorkshire business based in Boston Spa. Single Use Alternatives supply cost-effective, sustainable catering products to businesses and individuals. Available to order online, Single Use Alternatives’ product range includes disposable coffee cups, food containers, food wrap and packaging.

Looking for some simple and easy steps to a smaller carbon footprint? Go here!

wetherby greengrocers joins teh fight against single use plastic

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