Interview with LeedsTV about our SME National Business Awards nomination

We setup Single Use Alternatives last year, off the back of growing media and public interest in changing the use of single use plastics and our own desires to lead more sustainable lifestyles. Following our launch of a range of eco friendly containers, we’d worked hard with local businesses, with a focus on this year’s Summer festival season. We were also targeting the regulatory changes, due in March this year, with regard to single use plastic straws and stirrers. However, overnight on Friday 20th March full lockdown was announced due to Covid-19. The high street customers we’d started to build a business with, along with the anticipated Summer festival season evaporated, and we thought it was all over.

Just like many businesses we had to reinvent ourselves and refocused on takeaway. We added a broader range of biodegradable takeaway products and even launched our own unique eco friendly takeaway container, all within two weeks. A potential UK first, made with a new sustainable board that is oven-able, microwavable and yet certified home compostable (and recyclable if you can’t home compost). We were able to price it competitively too, because of the lean structure we have had from the start.

We’ve benefitted from more people wanting to make the change away from single use plastics. All our biodegradable products are made from plants, not oil based plastic. That’s the key thing to us. Continuing use of oil based plastics, means the world continues to dig up one of our planets greatest carbon sinks. Our biodegradable products, made from plants, take carbon out of the air and hence help slow greenhouse gas emission build up in the atmosphere (and thus climate change). There’s lots of debate about what people can do, read more on our blog here. It frustrates us that not many people are making the changes needed in their lifestyles, they’d prefer to debate what they think is best (and there’s lots of great ideas), but this is exactly where the fossil fuel lobbies want us all to be, by dividing, they conquer, and delay their ultimate demise. That’s why we setup singleusealternatives. Simple. Affordable. Less Plastic.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s still hard work, yet the trajectory of the fundamental business model is encouraging and with the upcoming regulatory changes, we hope this will mean we can continue to support high street businesses through to next Summer’s festival season and beyond. To be a National SME award finalist is recognition of this hard work and we hope that from this we can get more people to share what we are trying to achieve. We are #BetterTogether as we all reinvent ourselves in these challenging times. As Sir David Attenborough has recently said, ‘the future is up to everyone of us’.

Sustainable, multi-purpose takeaway container alternative set to revolutionise the disposable packaging industry

Sustainable, multi-purpose takeaway container alternative set to revolutionise the disposable packaging industry During these unprecedented times, restaurants, delicatessens and coffee shops alike are now finding new ways to provide delivered food to customers. Many businesses are now offering their services as a takeaway option where they might not have been before. This now comes with … Read more

The 5 R s of Waste Management

The 5 Rs of Waste Management: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot We’ve all heard of recycling. The prospect of not separating out our plastic waste from our paper, or not splitting our tin cans from glass bottles, sounds ridiculous. Until relatively recently, this simple weekly task was the sum total of most people’s contribution to … Read more

Can sustainable takeaway packaging offer your business a different path?

In these uncertain times, many business owners are rightfully concerned about the impact that COVID19 is going to inflict on them and their staff. Many of us are looking for a contingency plan to weather this open ended storm. Though for some companies, this could offer an opportunity to flourish and make a genuine difference … Read more

Ilkley coffee shop and bakery lead the way in the war on single use plastics

Two environmentally aware businesses in Ilkley have made the switch from single use plastic products to eco-friendly alternatives. Both Moin Moin Backerei and The Commute Café in Ilkley are delighted to announce that they’ve continued their switch from single use plastic products by opting for eco-friendly alternatives supplied by Yorkshire based firm Single Use Alternatives. … Read more

How these three Leeds businesses are closing the loop on plastic waste

A Leeds climbing wall, sports nutrition manufacturer and an industrial composting facility collaborate to close the loop on plastic waste. A bouldering competition held at City Bloc in Leeds has offered a great opportunity for three local businesses to work together, promoting the benefits of compostable plastic alternatives to damaging single use plastics. Vegware cups … Read more

Our guide to home composting

Compost really is the gift that keeps on giving. Reduce your household’s food waste by turning your discarded scraps into the kind of ‘black gold’ we like. Homegrown compost will enrich your garden’s soil, hopefully feeding a fruit and veg patch whose scraps can go back into your compost bin – closing your own little … Read more

Wetherby Greengrocers join the fight against single use plastics

A Greengrocers in Wetherby has made the switch from single use plastic products to eco-friendly alternatives. Michael Johnson from C A Johnson & Sons Greengrocers in Wetherby have taken note of the important environmental concerns facing the nation, and have made the switch from single use plastic products to eco-friendly alternatives. Their decision comes on … Read more

Ten reasons why we believe compostables are better than single use plastics

It may come as no surprise that our opinion of single use plastics is, well, pretty low. Besides consuming Earth’s extremely limited resources to produce, they take thousands of years to break down and they poison our planet whether they’re incinerated, thrown into landfill or dumped on the land. Modern society is currently completely reliant … Read more

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