How these three Leeds businesses are closing the loop on plastic waste

A Leeds climbing wall, sports nutrition manufacturer and an industrial composting facility collaborate to close the loop on plastic waste.

A bouldering competition held at City Bloc in Leeds has offered a great opportunity for three local businesses to work together, promoting the benefits of compostable plastic alternatives to damaging single use plastics.

Vegware cups were supplied to UK Healthy Life, in which they handed out free samples of their protein shakes to climbers at the bouldering event. Once the Vegware cups were finished with they were collected up, ready to be taken to a local organic waste treatment company to be composted. Joining the dots and closing the loop.

City Bloc is on the doorstep of the Maltings, one of the UK’s leading industrial composting facilities. Unfortunately sporting events often generate lots of plastic waste which ends up in landfill or sent for incineration. It made sense for the event to distribute samples of UK Healthy Life’s protein shakes in compostable Vegware cups, ready for them to be collected after use and composted.

The industrial composting process is much quicker than the one which happens in a garden compost bin; offering a practical and efficient way to recycle compostable and biodegradable waste. Composting forms the fifth and final process of the five R’s, a framework of sustainability to live by: Refuse to use plastic wherever possible, reducing your usage. Reuse as much as you can, recycle it when you can’t use it any more and rot what is left.

Closing the loop on plastic waste is becoming increasingly important making the switch to compostable and biodegradable alternatives is a great way for businesses and individuals to further reduce their impact on the environment, one small step at the time. Plant-based packaging supplier Single Use Alternatives said: “We’re delighted to have had the opportunity to work alongside City Bloc, UK Healthy Life and The Maltings to try illustrate how easy it can be to dramatically reduce your plastic waste. The event was a great example of joining the dots and truly closing the loop on plastic waste.”

Looking for some simple and easy steps to a smaller carbon footprint? Go here!

SUA supply disposable cups for rock climbing event

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